January 21, 2024, Sunday, the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time-B
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 25
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
…the people of Nineveh believed God… Jonah 3:5
And at once they abandoned their nets and followed him. Mk.1:18
Lord, was it really like that? Did the entire city of Nineveh, from king to slave, change from evil to good overnight? Did Peter, Andrew, James and John drop their nets and immediately follow you? Normally, we don’t change our lives so radically and so quickly. Maybe we don’t have all the details of these conversion stories. I know the power of your grace can change hearts but we must be open to change. We must be willing to allow your Holy Spirit to transform our ways to your ways. For me, Lord, I need some time to hear and understand your call. It takes me a while to adjust and respond to the abundant life you offer. Some may call it procrastination, and it may be. I am grateful you are patient with me and never, ever give up on me. Continue to pour your grace into my heart. Keep on sending good people into my life to encourage me. Bless me with your word to guide me to see the path before me. Give me a vibrant and lively faith and trust in your divine and perfect dream for me. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Amen.