January 16, 2024, Tuesday, the 2nd Week in Ordinary Time-B

1 Samuel 16:1-13

Psalm 89

Mark 2:23-28

“Not as man sees does God see…the Lord looks into the heart.” 1 Sam 16:7

Lord, I must admit I so often make judgments about a person that I meet rather quickly.  First impressions can have lasting consequences in my relationship with them.  But you encourage me to look beyond first impressions and a person’s outward appearance.  I am pretty good at putting on a good face to others and avoid showing anyone what I am like on the inside.  But I can’t hide my inner self from you.  You know me better than I know myself.  You saw the potential in the unlikely youngest of the brothers: David.  You saw the potential in Peter, Paul, Levi, and many, many others.  Lord, help me see with the eyes of faith.  Guide me not to rush to judgment on anyone because of appearance.  There is always more to each of your children than meets the eye.  Teach me to give the people I meet today the benefit of the doubt.  Send me the grace today to look for the good in others and to discover the potential in their hearts.  Amen.