January 13, 2024, Saturday of the 1st Week of Ordinary Time
1 Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1
Psalm 21
Mark 2:13-17
And he got up and followed Jesus. Mk 2:14
Lord, we have a saying: “a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” What did you see in the tax collector Levi? Everyone else saw a traitor, a Roman collaborator and a despicable sinner. You, of course saw that too but you saw something else. You saw Levi’s potential. You saw a heart ready for a new start. You saw talents and abilities that made Levi successful as a tax collector that you could use in your kingdom. On Levi’s part I give him credit for taking the risk of leaving behind his prosperous life and taking the first step toward eternal life. The first step or leap of faith can be the most difficult of all the steps. Thank you, Lord, for not holding my sins against me but seeing the good in me, the potential in me. You know better than I what I can become and what I am capable of. When Levi left his customs post to walk with you he didn’t have a clue what lay ahead for him. Jesus, I trust in you to offer me the opportunity and the grace to follow you wherever you lead. Amen.