December 29, 2023, Friday the Fifth day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord-B
1John 2:3-11
Psalm 96
Luke 2:22-35
Sing to the Lord a new song… Psalm 96:1
“…for my eyes have seen your salvation”. Luke 2:30
Lord, your spirit had promised the holy one, Simeon, that he would see the Messiah before he died. In our reading today that promise is fulfilled. How did Simeon pick you out of the thousands of male babies brought to the temple for consecration? How did he see what others did not? He saw who you were because he relied on the eyes of faith rather than human sight. He recognized you because he lived in the light and not in darkness. He identified you as the long-awaited Savior because he listened to the spirit within. Lord, Simeon could sing a new song because he was close to God and God was close to him. Lord, I too desire to see with the eyes of faith. I too want to recognize your presence in my life and in those I meet. Dear Jesus, reveal to my heart today your wonderful deeds among us. Sharpen my faith-vision so that I will know you are near. Amen.