December 26, 2023, Tuesday in the Octave of Christmas ST STEPHEN, FIRST MARTYR -B

Acts of the Apostles 6:8-10; 7:54-59

Psalm 31

Matthew 10:17-22

 Stephen, filled with grace and power, was working great wonders and signs… Acts 6:8

“…do not worry about how you are to speak…”  Mt. 10:19

Lord, today we are still in the glow and joy of celebrating your birthday.  But we are quickly reminded that there is opposition and conflict in the world to the Good News we celebrated yesterday.  St. Stephen was a powerful witness for you.  He tirelessly served you and your young Church by offering words of wisdom and inspiration. Guided by the Holy Spirit, he brought light to a people in darkness. You encouraged your followers to rely on the same Holy Spirit that motivated Stephen. I received that same Spirit the day I was baptized. The same grace and power that formed Stephen is mine too. May I hang onto the Christmas joy and believe in your promise in the face of unbelief and ridicule.  Lord Jesus, I’m certain I cannot do this on my own. In the face of a hostile world I rely on your Spirit and grace to make me a joy filled and confident disciple to the end.  St. Stephen pray for us.  Amen.