December 25, 2023, THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD -B

Isaiah 9:1-6

Psalm 96

Titus 2:11-14

Luke 2:1-14

“…you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”  Lk. 2:12

Lord, you took your first breath in the dark and cold of a stable. Only Mary, Joseph and maybe a few farm animals were present at the moment everything changed. Did you cry? It must have been strange to be of flesh, blood, bones and skin? Not seen on that night were the legions of angels praising God for you. The heavens were rocked with joy for all creation was about to be set right again. Your Father in heaven must have been ecstatic at seeing you among His children you were sent to save. O dear Jesus, what a blessing and honor it would have been to have seen you, held you and watched you sleep. Who cannot marvel at the sight and smell of a newborn baby? Our Father’s gift to all mankind was now where you were needed. But at this moment you depended upon your human family for protection, nourishment and warmth.   Soon your mission among us would begin. But for now, tonight, let me just look at you with my heart and love you for who cannot love a baby?  Amen.