December 9, 2023, Saturday of the 1st Week of Advent-B
Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26
Psalm 147
Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5-8
“The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few;” Mt. 9:37
Lord, the message today is good news/bad news. Abundant harvests are a good thing but if there are few workers to bring it in the crops will rot in the fields. You were followed by huge crowds with so many people in need that your “heart was moved with pity for them.” So, you asked your disciples to be an extension of your power to teach, cure and welcome. You ask the same of us to this day. No one can doubt the world’s need for more compassion, support, healing of relationships and sharing of goods. There is an abundant harvest at our doorsteps. Lord, help me to see how I can be a laborer in your field today. Lead me today to the one person or one cause where I can make a difference. There is a situation or encounter where I can bring in your crop. You have blessed me with gifts so provide opportunities where I can use those gifts as your field worker. Do not let me be discouraged by the huge size of the work. With your grace I can bear your fruit one person at a time. Amen.