Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17

Psalm 23

1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28

Matthew 25:31-46

“…whatever you did for the least brothers of mine you did for me.” Mt. 25:40

Lord, who are your least brothers and sisters? Who am I to look out for, feed, clothe, visit, and welcome? On this day we remember you are King of all creation. You are a king not interested in power and control but in service. You are a good shepherd committed to preserving your flock in safety.  But you also were in prison, beaten, mocked, unjustly judged, and misunderstood.  You were hungry and thirsty in the desert. You were not welcomed and ultimately killed. So, when you ask me to be just and generous to the least of your brothers and sisters, you are asking me to see you in them. You are the homeless man sleeping under the bridge. You are the single mom overwhelmed with childcare and financial worries. You are the persecuted Christian fleeing terror. You are the drug addict, the lonely widow, the bullied teenager, and the unemployed worker. You are everywhere and everyone. I pray today for the grace to see you in the suffering, hungry and lonely people around me. Show me who I can be a shepherd to this day.  Amen.