November 16, 2023, Thursday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time-A

Wisdom 7:22-8:1

Psalm 119

Luke 17:20-25

Wisdom…penetrates and pervades all things…  Wisdom 7:24

“The kingdom of God is among you.” Lk. 17:21

Lord, it seems every day the darkness of evil enters our world. Terrorist attacks and horrific mass murders are becoming all too common. Even natural disasters and threats of nuclear war can dominate our attention and destroy our peace. Most days it’s really hard to see your kingdom in a world full of these events. But that may be because we are looking only with our human eyes and not the eyes of faith. When I call upon your Spirit of Wisdom to help me see your presence, she will. You initiated me into your kingdom at my Baptism. You nourish me with your word and your body and blood in the Mass. You give me a fresh start when you forgive my faults and failings. You are present at marriages and ordinations. Lord do not let me give in to the appearance of things but to look with your light. Keep my heart open to see you in a glorious sunrise, a miracle of healing, the kindness of a stranger. Most of all, I give thanks for what you are doing in my life today.  Amen.