November 5, 2023, 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time-A

Malachi 1:14-2:2, 8-10

Psalm 131

1 Thessalonians 2:7-9, 13

Matthew 23:1-12

…the word of God, which is now at work in you who believe.  1 Thes. 2:13

“… you have but one Father in heaven.” Mt. 23:9

Father in heaven, I open my heart to you, to your Son and to your Spirit. Empty me of anything which keeps you at a distance. Hold me as close to you as a mother embraces her nursing child. I rest in your arms and am secure in your protection.  While on my journey to you I have made choices which I know have not pleased you. I have also been a hypocrite by not practicing what I preach. But you faithfully continue to encourage me as a good Father does.  You sent you Son to save me from death and your Spirit to guide me back to you. Thank you, dear Father, for your constant attention, unlimited mercy, and infinite goodness. My prayer today is that your word will soak into my heart and my faith in you as my Abba (Papa) will grow. May I be open to the many ways you are forming me and blessing me and leading me. Help me not to be concerned about what other people may think, but only what you think of me. I make a firm choice to let you be my God and Father today and every day.  Amen