October 16, 2023, Monday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Romans 1:1-7
Psalm 98
Luke 11:29-32
All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Psalm 98:3
“This generation…seeks a sign…” Luke 11:29
Lord, the people of your time wanted a sign as proof of who you were and from where your power came. Not much has changed in twenty-plus centuries. People of today look for evidence and signs of your presence and even of your existence. So many don’t see what they seek. Some see signs of you everywhere, others see nothing. For those who have faith, the physical world is full of signs of your awesome design. For those with faith your presence is in every sunrise, every breath we take and every gesture of love. The greatest sign of all is a God becoming human and giving his life for sinful humanity. Lord, help me to become more aware of your presence in and around me. Make me a sign to others of your love and compassion. Open my heart to all the wonders you have prepared for me. Give me a faith-filled vision to see more signs than I can count from the rising of the sun to its setting. Amen.