September 27, 2023, Wednesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST VINCENT DE PAUL, PRIEST.
Ezra 9:5-9
Psalm Tobit 13:2, 3-4, 7-8
Luke 9:1-6
…he sent them to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Luke 9:9
Lord, these were fishermen, tax collectors–just ordinary people with little experience in proclaiming and healing. Their first reaction to your sending them is probably a lot like mine is. I can line up the excuses: fear of failure, no confidence, embarrassment, I don’t know enough. What if I encounter hostility or danger? But they went. Were they ill-equipped? Yes, but you sent them off with your blessing. Help me to step out in faith and not concern myself with results. I must leave the results up to you. We all have to start someplace. The first step is often the most difficult. You know that, Lord, and so it’s an exercise in faith for me. It’s a test of my trust in you. It’s knowing that you have confidence in me even if I don’t have any in myself. I ask you for the grace to step out in faith and begin small. Then move on from there. I may even amaze myself as the Apostles were at their success. May I rely on your providence and not on my own resources. St Vincent de Paul, pray for us. Amen.