September 15, 2023, Friday of the 23rd Week in Ordinary Time-A OUR LADY OF SORROWS
1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14
Psalm 16
John 19:25-27
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother… John 19:25
Lord, I can’t imagine how horrible it must have been for your mother to see you suffer on the cross. Only a mother who has lost a child can understand the pain of this moment. Yet, Mary had to know in her broken and pierced heart that good would come from your sacrifice. She may not have grasped how much good. Maybe she didn’t fully comprehend the saving power of your passion and death, but in quiet moments I must believe that you had prepared her for what was happening before her eyes: the salvation of every man, woman and child ever created. Lord, Mary’s humble acceptance of suffering inspires me to follow her example. Her faith and complete trust in the will of God gives me hope. The power of grace in her life helps me when I suffer if only I can place my pain at the foot of your cross. Help me, Lord, to carry my cross as you did. May I walk with you to Calvary with Mary at my side. Amen.