September 9, 2023, Saturday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time-A ST PETER CLAVER, PRIEST
Colossians 1:21-23
Psalm 54
Luke 6:1-5
…persevere in the faith… Colossians 1:23
Lord, there are so many diet and exercise plans in magazines and on TV that all claim they will help us control our weight and get into shape. Some may be effective; others may be fake. Even those that are legitimate must be followed over the long term to work. Paul tells us today that for our lives to be holy and without blemish before God we must persevere in faith. The Colossians were tempted to shift from one belief to another, not sticking with the true gospel preached by Paul. We too can look for salvation in various teachings and beliefs. The true faith in you as our redeemer must be the center of our lives. Lord, help me to persevere in the belief that you are the way, the truth, and the life. May your grace strengthen me when I waver, give me encouragement when I grow weak and hope when I want to give up. Keep me firmly grounded, stable and not shifting away from your truth. Thank you, Jesus, for helping me stay on the road to you one step at a time. St. Peter Claver pray for us. Amen.