Micah 5:1-4 or Romans 8:28-30

Psalm 13

Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23

We know that all things work for good for those who love God…Rom. 8:28

Of her was born Jesus who is called the Messiah.  Mt 1:16

Lord, you came into our world after a long line of famous and not-so-famous men and women. Throughout all the centuries of mankind you were preparing the way for the moment when a woman would be conceived unlike any other. A woman unstained by sin who would be offered the opportunity to be your mother and to change the world forever. This shows how your plan for us would come to completion.  It all depended on the “yes” of Mary to the angel. Untarnished by sin and filled with the Holy Spirit she risked everything to follow the will of God. Thank you, Jesus, for such a holy and blessed woman who you would give to us on the cross as our mother. 

Happy Birthday, Mary. Mary, you were the first to hear God’s word spoken by His Son, even in your womb. Thank you for your “Yes” to Gabriel. Hear our prayers and perfect them. Be our advocate and bring our needs and hopes to your Son as we celebrate your birth with all the angel and saints in heaven.  Amen.