August 30, 2023, Wednesday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time-A
1 Thessalonians 2:9-13
Psalm 139
Matthew 23:27-32
We too give thanks to God unceasingly… 1 Thes 2:13
Lord, some may wonder why St. Paul was unceasingly thanking you. The man was beaten, arrested, stoned, interrupted, criticized and much more because he preached the gospel to people that did not know you. He endured harsh travel conditions, shipwreck and many lonely nights in pagan territory. He was imprisoned and threatened with death. But Paul had his priorities right. When he saw the Thessalonians respond in faith to his preaching of your word all he could do was fall on his knees and offer thanks to you. He likely never gave his hardships another thought. Paul’s words are encouraging to me. I’m hopeful he would be happy with my efforts to believe and stay close to you. He would be cheering me on in how I am teaching my children and grandchildren about you and your love for them. Lord, I too am grateful for the seed of faith you have planted in my heart. I pray that seeds will germinate, grow and blossom into something beautiful for you. Like St. Paul, help me keep my priorities straight and focus on what I have rather than what I don’t have. Amen