December 17, 2019 Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent-A

Genesis 49:2, 8-10

Psalm 72

Matthew 1:1-17

The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ… Mt. 1:1

Lord, since you had a human nature you had a human ancestry.  The gospel today traces those who came before you.  You are related to the famous and the infamous.  All were imperfect and some very evil.  Some had extraordinary faith and courage and some were weak and failed.  All were a part of God’s plan to save mankind from death.   Lord, I am a part of your family called to build up your kingdom.  I too am imperfect and a sinner.   But I can also be faithful and courageous.   I have an advantage they did not.  I have your word in the gospels to guide me.  I have the sacraments of the church to grace me.  I have your presence in the Holy Spirit to strengthen and protect me.  Dear Jesus, I am a part of your body which is your church on earth.  As such, I have a vocation to continue to spread your good news by the witness of my life.   I have a responsibility to ensure justice is done to the lost and forgotten.  I have an obligation to be a light in the darkness of this world.  Thank you for including me in your family tree.  Amen.