August 24, 2023, Thursday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE

Revelation 21:9-14

Psalm 145

John 1:45-51

Phillip said to him, “Come and see.”  John 1:46

Lord, our first impressions of someone can sometimes be off the mark. Nathaniel was skeptical about you as the Messiah because you came from Nazareth. Could the savior of Israel really come from the boondocks of Galilee? Phillip didn’t argue with his friend he just invited him to come and see for himself. Nathaniel’s relationship with you had a shaky start but grew rapidly into faith. You saw all the good in Nathaniel’s heart and welcomed him with encouragement.  Nathaniel realized that you were who he had been searching for. A lifelong faithful relationship began with a simple invitation, and you took care of the rest. Lord, thank you for the people you put in my life that have invited me to meet you. If today, you call me to invite someone to meet you may I not be put off by an initial negative response. I will use the grace you offer to welcome and encourage them and not give up. Lord, I lift up to you in prayer my family and friends who are yet to meet you.  St. Bartholomew, pray for me.  Amen.