August 10, 2023, Thursday of the 18th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST LAWRENCE, DEACON, MARTYR
2 Corinthians 9:6-10
Psalm 112
John 12:24-26
“Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life.” John 12:25
Lord, someone has figured out that we make about 35,000 decisions each day. Most are small and routine. Some can be life changing and dramatic. Most involve little risk to life and limb. A few govern the very direction of our lives. You tell us today to choose to live for you. You ask us to prefer your ways to our ways. When challenges come before us we are to look for your grace to follow you. You assure me that abundant blessings await when I put you first. These are not just material blessings but eternal ones that will never fade or be lost. When I look back over my life, the times when I did not hold you first is when I struggled so much in sin. I need not worry or fear when I die to selfishness, greed or pride. So, Lord, the biggest decision I make this day is to live for you and not for myself. What a great paradox this is: death leads to life. Dear Jesus, give me some of the courage of St. Lawrence who gave up his life to preserve it for eternity. St. Lawrence pray for me. Amen.