July 18, 2023, Tuesday of the 15th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Exodus 2:1-15
Psalm 69
Matthew 11:20-24
Jesus began to reproach the towns where most of his mighty deeds had been done… Matthew 11:20
Lord, we live in a time of struggle, of crime, of violence in our cities. We are a divided people seeming to look out only for our needs and wants. You call all the people in this town to change their ways and follow you. We have all been invited into a special relationship with you. Some have accepted the invite, some have not. Lord, bless my town. Protect it from crime and violence. Build up our schools and teachers. Help all our students to learn and mature. Keep them safe and draw them close to you. Bless the elected officials that govern and lead us. Help them to govern and work humbly and justly and to serve all our neighbors. Bless and protect our law enforcement officers, fire personnel and first responders. Lord, keep my neighborhood in peace. May all in our community work together to lift up and care for the poor, the disabled and those who are lost. Lord, I pray for my city that it can be a place where all people can come to know, love, and serve you and each other. Amen.