July 6, 2023, Thursday of the 13th Week of Ordinary Time-A ST. MARIA GORETTI, VIRGIN, MARTYR
Genesis 22:1-19
Psalm 115
Matthew 9:1-8
“I will bless you abundantly…because you obeyed my command.” Genesis 22:17-18
“Rise, pick up your stretcher and go home.” Mt. 9:6
Father, reading about the testing of Abraham makes me feel very small. You asked this man, who had obeyed your every command, to make the ultimate sacrifice. His faith and trust were pushed to the limit. He must have agonized over what you asked him to do. Did he doubt how you could give him descendants if his only son was dead? Yet, he completely trusted that somehow, some way, you would fulfill your promises. You saved Isaac and blessed Abraham for his fidelity. You didn’t save your Son from the cross. He was given in sacrifice for my sins and the sins of all mankind. Your commitment to me goes beyond Abraham’s trust in you. Almighty Father, I’m sorry for how I have failed so many tests and given in to sin. Help me to have the trust of Abraham. Even when the way ahead looks impossible may I have confidence you will fulfill every single one of your promises. I can trust that you see all my needs, the physical and the spiritual. You can heal any of them with a word. St. Maria pray for me. Amen.