July 5, 2023, Wednesday of the 13th Week of Ordinary Time-A

Genesis 21:5, 8-20

Psalm 34

Matthew 8:28-34

“Don’t be afraid; God has heard the boy’s cry in this plight of his.” Gen. 21:17 

…those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.  Psalm 34:11

Lord, your words today can be understood only by faith. For our senses may tell us differently, our eyes of faith see so much more. The reality is that we can fail to see the signs of your presence. Like Sarah in the first reading we can misunderstand your action in our world because we don’t trust enough in you. Yet, no one is beyond the power of God to save.  Ishmael would become the patriarch of the Islamic faith. Like the townspeople in the gospel who, out of fear, pushed you away, we can miss so much. You gave new life to the two men suffering from demons. I think sometimes your walk in our lives is like an iceberg, we only see the tip with the biggest part unseen under the sea. Lord, today I pray that I can have sharper faith-vision. Open my mind and heart to receive all you have for me—whether it feels good or not, appears good or not. I know you only want the best for me. Help me to trust more in your provision. I thank you for everything—all your blessings, seen and unseen.  Amen.