Jun 29, 2023, Thursday ST PETER AND ST PAUL, APOSTLES
Acts 12:1-11
Psalm 34
2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18
Matthew 16:13-19
But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength… 2 Timothy 4:17
Lord, today we honor two giants in our faith. Both Peter and Paul had flaws and weren’t perfect. They made a lot of mistakes. Despite their human failures you entrusted them with a huge mission: bringing your gospel message to an unbelieving world. Both gave their all to you and received their eternal rewards. I too make mistakes and have not always been faithful to you. But like Paul and Peter, I believe you have not given up on me. I believe that you stand with me in every temptation and offer the strength needed to be successful. Lord, continue to help me fight the good fight each day. When I am weak give me your strength. When I get tired help me to finish the race. May I listen to the wisdom of your word and the whispers of the Spirit especially when my emotions or human logic pull me toward the wrong path. My prayer today is to look for your strength and grace in every encounter and situation. I thank you Lord for standing by me always. St. Peter and St. Paul pray for me. Amen.