June 25, 2023, Sunday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time-A

Jeremiah 20:10-13

Psalm 69

Romans 5:12-15

Matthew 10:26-33

The Lord is with me, like a mighty champion… Jeremiah 20:11

“So do not be afraid…”  Matthew 10:31

Lord, your prophet Jeremiah was near his breaking point. You chose him to proclaim repentance and faithfulness to God but opposition to him and the message was building.  Centuries later you spoke the same message and experienced the same denial and rejection as Jeremiah. You knew your disciples then and now would run into persecution because of your word. But you encourage us to hang in there for you know all about our fears. Even you were tempted in the desert to give up. Lord, nothing is hidden from you even the number of hairs, or lack of them, on my head. You know me better than I know myself. So, when doubt or fear presses in on me, I can remember that you are right here at my side as my “mighty champion.”  Even when anxious we can be a hopeful people. You have placed awesome gifts of courage and fortitude within me. I can overcome anything with your strength and grace. So, what’s there to be afraid of?  Amen.