Isaiah 49:1-6

Psalm 139

Acts 13:22-26

Luke 1:57-66, 80

I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made; …  Psalm 139:14

“What, then will this child be?” Luke 1:66

Lord, each day science learns more about the marvelous and awesome wonders of the human body. It is truly wonderful how all the parts and organs work together silently and mysteriously to make us who we are. The body’s self-healing powers are magnificent. You formed each one of us from two microscopic cells.  So many internal processes take place unknown to us and beyond our control. No one can say at our conception “what then will this child be? Our place in your kingdom is known only to you. You made me unique, like a snowflake, among the billions of your children. Like John the Baptist you fashioned me from the beginning for your grand purpose. While the workings of my body and mind are impressive even more so are the workings of your Holy Spirit within me. Lord, help me today to be aware of the harmony and balance within me. Also help me to listen to the promptings of your Spirit to fulfill the purpose for which I was made.  St. John pray for us.  Amen.