Jun 19, 2023, Monday of the 11th Week of Ordinary Time-A

2 Corinthians 6:1-10

Psalm 98

Matthew 5:38-42

…we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain.  2 Cor 6:1

Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.”  Mt. 5:41

Lord, in my human weakness I am often tempted to just do the minimum effort to get by.  When I’m asked for help from someone, I’ll do what’s asked quickly so I can get back to what I want to do. How often have I been tempted to retaliate against a person who has done something evil to me? Your instruction today leads me in how I use the graces you provide.  Your grace is more than sufficient for me to live your Gospel message. You encourage me to be open to new possibilities, more patience, swifter forgiveness, generous use of time, and readiness to listen. O Lord, help me one step at a time to imitate your complete love. I open the door of my heart to be filled with your love.  I will then find new strength and endurance, greater peace and serenity. Help me to rejoice in trials and suffering for your sake, just like St. Paul. Before I know it I’ve gone that extra mile for that one person you will put in my life today and I’ll find I’m not even tired.  Amen.