November 29, 2022, Tuesday of the 1st Week in Advent-A

Isaiah 11:1-10

Psalm 72

Luke 10:21-24

A shoot shall sprout…and from his roots a bud shall blossom.  Isaiah 11:1

“Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.”  Luke 10:21

Lord, fire can wipe out an entire forest leaving it charred and barren. But in a miracle of your creation life soon sprouts from the blackened land. What was once destroyed comes to life again better than before. When I go through tragedy, sickness or sin, my life can look like the aftermath of a fire. I’ve been like the landscape of destruction at times. But you never stop pouring forth your grace to bring new life. You never leave me in ruin but continually lead me to growth in the spirit. It’s the Father’s will that none of us ever be lost. Your Holy Spirit powerfully provides gifts that can only bring forth new life. I thank you for revealing yourself to the most simple and innocent among us. Children can see what an adult cannot. Jesus may this Advent be a time for me to grow and mature in love, wisdom, understanding, courage and strength. Thank you, Lord, for never giving up on me. Thank you for this opportunity for your word to penetrate my heart and lead me to new life in you.  Amen.