July 23, 2022, Saturday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Jeremiah 7:1-11

Psalm 84

Matthew 13:24-30

Reform your ways and your deeds so that I may remain with you…  Jeremiah 7:3

“…a man sowed good seed in his field.”  Matthew 13:24

Lord, gardens are beautiful and delightful places. The miracle of seeing life sprout, grow and mature is a joy.  When I was created you planted good seed in my heart. Seed intended to one day produce good fruit for your glory. Successful gardens take attention and work. The soil of my heart can become corrupted and stunt the growth of what you’ve sown. Weeds of sin can steal moisture and crowd out your goodness. Lord, I accept responsibility for the bad choices in my life. I have allowed thoughts, words and deeds to interfere with bearing the fruit you want. But you are a very careful, loving and patient gardener.  You provide all the grace, guidance and strength I require to grow and mature as you intended from the beginning. I know I still have a way to go but my heart is strong, and I am ready for you to show me what weeds to uproot today. Lord, you have sown good seed in me. I trust you as you patiently bring in the harvest of my life and prepare me for life eternal.  Amen.