May 10, 2022, Tuesday of the 4th Week of Easter-C

Acts 11:19-26

Psalm 87

John 10:22-30

The hand of the Lord was with them…  Acts 11:21

Lord, amazing and unexpected things happen when your grace enters our world. While escaping persecution in Jerusalem your followers took their faith to a pagan territory. There, by witnessing to the good news many more came to believe. This is a good example of how your hand can change tragedy to victory. Had your disciples kept silent so many would not have been saved. Lord, I want to be a witness to you and the gospel but I’m not sure how. It’s a lot easier to stay in my comfort zone and keep my faith to myself. In our world today being politically correct means, we don’t talk about our faith so as to not “offend” anyone. So, I’m really dependent upon your grace to guide me to how I can live my faith in my family and my community. Lord, arouse in me an awareness of your Spirit to guide me to someone today who really needs the encouragement of the gospel. Give us the desire, the courage and the words to share my faith-story and bring your love to someone today.  Amen.