July 26, 2020 The 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time-A

1 Kings 3:5, 7-12

Psalm 119

Romans 8:28-30

Matthew 13:44-52

“Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart… 1 Kings 3:9

“The kingdom of Heaven is like a net thrown into the sea.”  Mt. 13:47

Lord, Solomon had big shoes to fill.  He succeeded the great King David.  He humbly asked you for an understanding heart so he could rule the people justly and wisely.  You were pleased with his prayer.  Lord, hear my prayer today for a heart more open to you.  You continually form and shape me to become what you want for me.  I may resist at times and try to go my own way, Thanks to your patience and love for me you don’t give up and throw me back into the sea.  You form me in so many wondrous ways.  You teach and guide me with your word.  You strengthen and heal me with your sacraments.  You put people in my life to inspire and encourage me.  Lord, I pray that when you cast your net into the sea and haul me and my family to the shore that we are “keepers”.  I pray that we respond to your life long grace to grow in faith and reliance on you.  Please don’t give up on us, Lord.  I place myself and my family in your hands to form us in whatever way you will.  Amen.