On January 1 the Church celebrated the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God. As we approach the manger to adore the infant Son of God, we cannot help but recognize that Mary is indeed Mother of God. The holy Nativity calls us to meditate more deeply on the mystery that God used the womb of a woman to bring salvation to the world.
This feast of Mary reminds us of the great miracle of motherhood, and it reveals how God has elevated and sanctified the vocation of mothers. As we embark on a New Year and consider resolutions for the months ahead, may we invite the Blessed Mother to guide us in our hopeful planning. We pray that through her intercession each of our hearts may be renewed with empathy and increased awareness of the challenges that so many mothers face in welcoming and caring for the gift of life. May Our Blessed Mother inspire in us a desire and resolve to increase our compassionate care and support of mothers in need throughout the year ahead.