Beloved children of God and of Mary, please know I remain with you in prayer and in spirit as we continue to pray for the well-being and safety of all. In the opening prayer of today’s Mass, it says “that the flourishing of a holy flock may become the eternal joy of the shepherds.” I think about the joy that fills my heart of knowing that I don’t walk this journey and path of holiness alone but gladly and joyfully walk it with you. I thank God for the gift of his Son and his Spirit who continue to nurture and feed us and inspire in us a deep desire for holiness, blessedness and the sacred. In my love for God and my love for you, I offered a quiet little Mass and a Spiritual Communion this morning for our parish and school. The intention was specifically for you, your family and your friends. Let us always remain in love, in prayer and in spirit and with a deep sense of joy and gratitude and from the heart say, “thanks be to God.” Fr. Ivan

September 3, 2019 5:20 pm