JMJ supports the God-given right of every pregnant woman to give birth and the right of every unborn child  to be born.

The Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring a monetary donation drive for the JMJ Pregnancy Center on October 24 and 25. We will have containers in the church entrance in which to drop your contribution (please make checks payable to St. Mary Catholic Church). You can easily make donations electronically to CCW Pregnancy Resource through a free app “GivePlus Church” or “Parish Pay” located on our website:

JMJ is a Catholic organization and is located in Orlando. They offer essential services such as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, praying at abortion clinics, and offering such items as diapers and clothing to assist new mothers who are taking their babies home for the first time. JMJ provides a place of refuge for crisis pregnancies, showing compassion and friendship through Christ. Please be generous  – as you always are!!