Thank you to all who were able to join us as we listened to the recent story of our journey. We shared in the graces and blessings as we discussed the current opportunities and challenges we face as a Next Generation Parish. We also shared the on-going struggle of our facilities. The buildings and equipment need to be updated and renovated, much of the equipment has passed its life expectancy and the grounds need to be maintained. The good news is that through your prayers and sacrifices, as well as the generous support and aid of the Diocese over the past two years, our revenues have increased and our debt and expenses have dramatically  decreased. Thanks be to God. But we still have some work to do in tackling the debt of our outstanding mortgage and construction loans. A Finance Team has been formed to assist with formulating a strategic plan.  God’s inspiration and vision for our parish was also shared.  He wants to make our parish a shrine dedicated to our Mother Mary. The Shrine of St. Mary (Our Lady of the Rosary) is to become a house of prayer and a place of pilgrimage. The vision includes an outdoor Grotto, Rosary Garden and life size Stations of the Cross. It also includes a chapel dedicated to Mary, Queen of the Angels, our parish logo engraved in the entry way floor, images of the Mysteries of the Rosary and adding another Confessional. Thank you to all who were  inspired to share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions and provided our team with your feedback. We heard you and we are still listening.  Please continue to pray for us and for our parish as we Grow In Faith Together (GIFT).


To provide further feedback, feel free to contact us anytime at

Our Next Generation Team worked very closely together to provide the parish with our new Mission Statement:

In unity with the Holy Spirit, our purpose is to foster a love for the liturgy which encourages compassion for people, inspires holiness, and nurtures an intimate relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.