Our CCW will meet to review all that our Spirituality Commission and Service Commission are offering to our ministry. Please bring $8.00 to purchase a “33 Days to Morning Glory” book in English if you are interesting in participating in our Marian Consecration, which will begin on Nov. 9th. Also, remember to drop off bags of candy to one of us at daily mass or at the front desk of the Pastoral Center by Oct 25th to help out our CCW “Trunk or Treat” at the Fall Festival. Continue to bring children’s book for Devereux and lastly don’t forget to be filling your baby bottle for the Pregnancy Resource Center in Melbourne. Those are due at Mass the first two weekends of November. God bless you all as we love and serve our Lord. See you Oct 30th at 6:30 PM. Once again, bring a dessert or snack to share with the group, as we offer some time to socialize.
CCW Meeting