May 16, 2020 Saturday of the 5th week OF EASTER–A

Acts of the Apostles: 16:1-10

Psalm 100

John 15:18-20

During the night Paul had a vision. Acts 16:9

Lord, it is truly remarkable how the Holy Spirit guided and protected Paul and his companions on their missionary journey.  It seems that they were sent to some cities that were ripe for the good news. For other places the time was not right for whatever reason known only to you. Their success came because they listened to the Spirit and obeyed what they heard.  This is how the good news first came to Europe. Lord, God uses dreams many times to pass messages to his people. St. Joseph for example was alerted in a dream that Herod was sending soldiers to kill you. God invented sleep and the vehicle of dreams. One third of our lives is spent sleeping. It is a gift from our Creator. Lord, help me to be open to your messages in whatever form they come in. If you use a dream make me responsive to what you want me to do or what you don’t want me to do. I believe you speak to me every day. Sometimes you may use dreams or a quiet whisper that just won’t go away. Give me the courage to follow the direction of your Spirit just as Paul did. Jesus, I trust in you!  Amen Alleluia