April 6, 2020 Monday of Holy Week –A

Isaiah 42:1-7

Psalm 27

John 12:1-11

Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased…Psalm 42:1

Six days before Passover Jesus came to Bethany.  They gave a dinner for him there… John 12:1

Lord, six days before your Passion and Death you shared a meal and friendship with Martha, Mary and Lazarus whom you loved. They loved you too.  They must have been delighted for you to spend your precious time with them.  You knew clearly what lay ahead for you.  The Psalm today describes a “Suffering Servant.”  We have believed that servant was you.  It also could be applied to your Church. We are all called to be servants to one another. What better time than in the midst of the suffering world right now to be a servant that trusts in God, is willing to obey him and to look for his will in every moment of this pandemic. Today’s suffering servant doesn’t complain about being in quarantine or housebound. Today’s suffering servant would do well to imitate you who was about to give every drop of your blood for us. You didn’t look for ways around your coming trial. You knew that after the cross was a glorious resurrection. We know this disease will run its course and we will be free to work, go to school and once again visit with our grandchildren. 

 Psalm 27 continues: The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid?  You weren’t afraid of the crowd gathering outside.  Martha and Mary served you to the end.  Amen.