November 22, 2018 Thursday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time-B THANKSGIVING DAY
Sirach 50:22-24
Psalm 67
1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Luke 17:11-19
The earth has yielded its fruits; God, our God, has blessed us. Ps. 67:6
Lord, hear my prayer of thanksgiving today. Turn my attention to how completely you have blessed me. From the rising of the sun to its setting I give you praise for your goodness to me. I first am grateful for the very gift of life. You have made me precious and glorious in the eyes of God. There have been many, many occasions when I have tarnished my heritage and relationships with you and others. For these I repent and ask forgiveness which I trust you will give me. I am thankful how you have placed me within a family that has shown me how to be your grateful child. The abundance of your gifts staggers me. Everywhere I look I see your fingerprints on my life. I am ultimately grateful for your sacrifice on the cross which won for me eternal life with you. Lord, I give all praise and worship to you for the love you have lavished upon me. May your grace continue to lead me to a more full appreciation of you. Open my eyes to see the hidden ways you are leading me to holiness and peace. Amen.