September 6, 2019 Friday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time-C

Colossians 1:15-20

Psalm 100

Luke 5:33-39

Know that the Lord is God…Ps. 100:3

Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God… Col. 1:15

Lord, how could I be confident that I know God the Father without you?  You came to show us the face and the heart of our invisible Father.  Sure, I can see him in the world and universe he created.  I can know him by the people he formed in his image.  But nothing compares with how I know him through you.  You are the desire of God to make things new between himself and us his creatures.  The old ways of viewing God as a demanding, punishing God are gone.  I love you, Lord, because out of love for me and in obedience to your Father you accepted the nails of the cross to repair the mortal wounds of my sins.   Without you I would have no faith.  Without you I wouldn’t have a shepherd to protect, guide and care for me and my brother and sister sheep.  Without you I could not know the Father’s forgiveness and mercy.   Thank you dear Jesus for visiting your people.  Thank you for leaving your throne in heaven to walk this earth, teach us about our Father, and to bring about his Kingdom in our world.  Amen.