August 22, 2018 Wednesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time-B THE QUEENSHIP OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY
Ezekiel 34:1-11
Psalm 23
Matthew 20:1-16
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Ps. 23:1
“Are you envious because I am generous?” Mt. 20:15
Lord, you came among us to show us the face of our Father. In so many ways we see his love, his care, and his concern for each and every one of us. As our Good Shepherd you carry out the will of the Father in supplying all we need so that “my cup overflows.” Your generosity can be strange to us because, unlike ours, it knows no limits. Like rain from heaven your unearned mercy showers upon all of us. Lord, who am I in your parable about the generous landowner? Am I the envious worker who couldn’t see the needs of those hired late in the day? Or am I the last hired who graciously accepted your abundant and unearned blessing? Lord, replace any anger or resentment in my heart with a joy at seeing your blessings flowing freely to those who most need them. May I celebrate that those who didn’t earn their pay could feed their families for another day. And may I realize that I don’t deserve what you give me: yourself completely everyday in the Mass.
Mary, queen of heaven, pray for us. Amen