August 30, 2019 Friday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time-C
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
Psalm 97
Matthew 25:1-13
This is the will of God, your holiness… 1 Thes. 4:3
“Therefore, stay awake…” Mt. 25:13
Lord, putting the messages of Paul’s letter and your parable of the ten virgins together it seems that being prepared to meet you is a way of being holy. I know you desire for us to have holy and ready hearts. Paul would say avoiding sins of sexual immorality and being respectful of each other’s dignity is being holy. We do that by praying for your gift of strength so as to persevere in right living. Being ready each and every day to welcome you is the key to doing your will. Lord, I desire that you help me to place a high priority on the condition of my heart. When I am tempted by the darkness of impurity may I always stop and lift my mind and heart to you for courage to walk away. Show me that each small victory makes the next encounter with evil more likely to be successful. Lord, I pray for all victims of human trafficking in our world. I know you are on my side and I have your Mother Mary and all the saints encouraging me to hang in there and to stay awake. Amen