June 10, 2018 The 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time-B
Genesis 3:9-15
Psalm 130
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Mark 3:20-35
“And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” Mk. 3:25
Lord, we have a saying which goes: “you can’t please all the people all the time.” Despite all your miracles and works of mercy you had more than your share of opposition. The religious authorities were out to label you as an agent of the devil and even your own family thought you were crazy and needed to be stopped. You were challenging their traditions and authority. You were not saying or doing what everybody wanted you to say or do. Your family and friends were embarrassed by you. Lord, you never gave up or changed your message. Doing the will of your Father was your highest priority. You encouraged those who would listen, then and now, to have the same priority. When we follow the will of God we are forgiven our sins. We are in unity with others who act the same. We are your family. Lord, keep us united in your word of truth. By your grace help us as your family to stick together and support each member. Unite us as a community of faith and make your priorities our priorities. Amen.