“Let it be done for you as you wish.” I recall the days of my youth and being told and conditioned to believe and consider a better life – a life that would be easier, wealthier – all about me. I would often hear my friends speak of one day owning a big house, having a fancy job and getting a fast car. Their hopes and dreams became what I would wish for the most. As children, we often played the game: “what if you had three wishes; what would you wish for?” My response was always the same. I would wish for riches and power and for three more wishes so I could have more riches and more power and more wishes. As I matured in my spirituality, I came to realize that these are the means, the ways, the methods, that the Devil distracts us, separates us and lures us away from the beautiful presence and face of God. That getting us to want more stuff, to desire more things, to seek greater status is the way that Satan draws our attention away from the sacred gaze that Christ has on our hearts and that our eyes should have on his Holy Cross and his Sacred Heart. What if you could really wish upon a star; what would you ask for? Would it bring you true happiness? The kind that satisfies your deep longing for true joy; the kind that never fades away. Or would you wish you had three more wishes? What if you find yourself the victor of a wishbone tug of war; what would you wish for? Would you ask for a long life, a better family, that awesome paying job? Would that truly make you happy; would you thank God that your wish came true? What about your yearly wish when you close your eyes and blow out candles; do you wish for something that will bring you closer to Christ; would he raise his voice in joyfulness and say, “O blessed child of my Father – great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.” Jesus said, “whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it.” May your wish draw you closer to Christ, help you to bear good and holy fruit and give endless glory to God our Father. May you live happily ever after. God’s peace and blessings always, Fr. Ivan
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time