August 16, 2019 Friday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Joshua 24:1-12

Psalm 136

Matthew 19:3-12

“I gave you a land that you had not tilled…”  Joshua 24:13

His mercy endures forever.  Ps. 136:1

Lord, today I honor you for your enduring goodness to me.  Like the Israelites on their way to the land you gave them I recount the many times in the past you have been the steady, guiding hand in my life. I have not earned nor do I deserve your generous mercy.  How often I have taken credit for the good things that you have provided for me?    You have rescued me from countless dangers.  You have walked with me when I thought I was alone.  Obstacles and barriers you have removed from my path.  The promises you made to care for me are being kept even as I pray this prayer.  When my faith is weak you understand and patiently wait for me to come back to you.  You have forgiven all my sins, great and small.  There has never been a time when you abandoned me.  I look confidently to the future knowing for sure you have wonderful blessings beyond my understanding coming my way.  I am sure of one thing:  “your mercy endures forever.”  Amen.