August 12, 2019 Monday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Deuteronomy 10:12-22

Psalm 147

Matthew 17:22-27

“Think! The heavens, even the highest heavens belong to the Lord, your God…” Dt. 10:14

Lord, astronomers tell us that the sky contains hundreds of billions of galaxies each with a hundred billion stars.  Yet they can only observe about 25% of the matter and energy that make up the universe.  The rest is invisible.  We are only beginning to discover the nature of the vast cosmos and the miracle that is life.  Lord, you made all there is from the grandest galaxy cluster to the smallest atom.  You hold all creation, of which I am a part, in existence.  You left your throne in heaven to become one of us, to die for us to heal our broken relationship with our Father.  You are due all my praise, all thanksgiving, all honors, all obedience and all glory.  Lord, you are beyond my mind to understand and my eyes to see.  But you are close to me because your word and your sacrament are planted in my heart.  I am made in your image and I am bound for glory with you forever.  May I continue to walk with you every day of my life.  Keep my sights on what is above and not what is of earth.  I praise you and love you forever.  Amen.