May 15, 2020 Friday of the 5th week OF EASTER–A

Acts of the Apostles: 15:22-31

Psalm 57

John 15:12-17

“Whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.” John 15:16

Lord Jesus, your final talk with your Apostles contained both commandments and promises. Every promise, like the one above, implies a response from us. In this case our response is to love one another as you love us. I don’t know if I could lay down my life for strangers or even someone who has hurt me. You gave your life on the cross and asked our Father to forgive those who nailed you to it. You absolved Peter from his denial. Throughout your travels in Judea you showed mercy and a sacrificial love to all.  You were despised because people were flocking to you because they had experienced your love in one way or another.  I too have experienced your love so many times I can’t count them. You have protected me from death and have forgiven my sins. So I can be assured that if I ask for something that is the will of my Father in heaven I will receive it. Lord, I trust in your promises and I am hopeful for the grace to love the person you will place in my life today.  If so, we both will know your unconditional love.  St. Isidore, pray for us. Amen