February 15, 2025, Saturday of the Fifth Week of Ordinary Time-C
Genesis 3:9-24
Psalm 90
Mark 8:1-10
“How many loaves do you have?” Mk. 8:5
Lord, you fed the people around you with the truth of the gospel. You taught them how much God loves them. You also took notice of their need for physical nourishment. After asking your disciples how much food they had you performed a wonderful miracle and fed all four thousand people with a lot left over. This shows me, Lord, that you have concern for every part of me: body, mind and spirit. This story also shows how you can take our meager gifts and multiply them and make them effective and sufficient for what you want to do. And finally, your generosity knows no limits in that you provided more bread for them than they could eat. Lord, how often I think I have so little to offer you. I usually underestimate what you have blessed me with and hold on to what little I think I have. Yet when I offer to you whatever you ask for you make it enough and complete why you gave it to me in the first place. Dear Jesus, I offer you all I have this day. Complete in me what you have called me to be. I thank you for taking my small offering and making it beautiful. Amen.