February 17, 2025, Monday of the 6th Week of Ordinary Time-C

Genesis 4:1-15, 25

Psalm 50

Mark 8:11-13

“…sin is a demon lurking at the door; … yet you can be his master.” Gen. 4:7

Lord, from the beginning temptation to sin has been with us.  In the case of Cain, the temptation to sin was for jealousy, envy and maybe pride.  Temptation has been with me from my beginning too.  The world, the flesh and the devil all conspire to separate me from you.  I have given in to their ways too often.  For what I have done and failed to do I am sorry, Lord.   I repent of the sins of my past and seek your grace for the strength to say “no” to evil.  I know you love me just the way I am but do not desire I stay that way.  I want to be a pure and holy offering to you like the sacrifice of Able.  Look into my heart, like you did Able’s, and see the good there.  Cleanse me from any selfish or prideful ways that close my mind to your graces.  I will always be in the battle against sin but just knowing you have defeated death gives me hope.  I thank you for hearing my prayer and for your merciful help to follow you in all your ways.  Amen.