February 9, 2025, Sunday The 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time-C

Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8

Psalm 138

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Luke 5:1-11

The Lord will complete what he has done for me… Ps. 138:8

But by the grace of God I am what I am… 1 Cor. 15:10

…they left everything and followed him.  Lk. 5:11

Lord, you first asked Peter if he would “put out a short distance from the shore.”  Peter said, yes, he would.  He listened to your teaching from his boat and his heart received the good news.  You then asked him to put out into deeper water.  Peter said, yes, he would, although he didn’t understand.  You then asked him to cast his nets in the daytime.  Peter wanted to go home to bed but he said yes, he would.  After the astounding catch of fish, you asked Peter to follow you.  Leaving the catch of a lifetime and everything else Peter said yes, he would.  Peter overcame his lack of understanding and fear of taking the next step in becoming your faithful disciple.  Lord, lead me step by step into deeper water.  Show me how, with your grace, I can become who you created me to be.  Help me to see the results of your grace in my life as I grow in faith and trust in your unfailing love.  Complete in me what you have begun.  Yes, Lord, I will follow you wherever you lead me.  Amen