January 14, 2025, Tuesday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time-C

Hebrews 2:5-12

Psalm 8

Mark 1:21-28

The people were astonished at his teaching.  Mk. 1:22

Lord, you made a huge impression on the people with your words of encouragement, compassion and love.  I don’t know what you said that morning in the Capernaum synagogue, but your authority came through loud and clear.  You followed up your words with action by driving a demon out of a man possessed.  You proved in the sight of all you had power even over Satan.  So many people today need to hear your good news.  The news that we are created in the image of God the Father.  The news that we are loved enough that you, his only Son, became human and sacrificed yourself on the cross for all mankind.  The news that the sole desire of the Creator of all things wants an intimate relationship with every one of us.   Lord, help me to listen to what you have to say to me.   Drive from me any unclean spirits of jealousy, envy, doubt or fear.  Protect me from the lies of Satan and the deceptions of the world that teach falsehoods and try to lead me into darkness.  Be with me in my times of temptation.  Lord, please shine your grace and compassion on the people who are victims of the fires in California.  Amen.